Musical show for young audiences
The tubular bells tinkle in the loudspeakers arranged above the audience. Each one arises, is calm and is caught up by the volutes of sounds. Tubulus has just started!
Tubulus is a gentle musical proposal that envelops the viewer in a sound bath made up of more than 10 speakers distributed around and above the audience… The immersion is total.
Designed for young audiences, this musical and sound show emphasizes the visual aspect, the playful side of the music, a magical relationship between gesture and the production of sounds, it is made up of very contrasted musical pieces. As a means of simplifying the understanding of this concert by the children and keeping them in suspense until the end.
Tubulus is a continuation of Toco la Toccata and is made up of musical pieces during which the bandonéon is enveloped by sounds resulting from electronic transformations of organic sounds. These electronic sounds in turn become the rhythmic or harmonic elements that form the basis of music.
There is also a sound installation version of Tubulus.
- Une séance tout public
- Une sieste dans l’installation sonore
- Une séance de Kiné dans l’installation sonore
- Un spectacle accessible aux malvoyants et malentendants
- Un concert adapté au jeunes en situation de polyhandicaps
- Une classe de maternelle après la séance
- La plafond étoillé…
- Les automates sonores et lumineux
Philippe Ollivier : Bandoneon, Composition, Computer programming
Camille Simon : Reception of the public, stage manager and artistic advice
Christophe Baratay : Computer programming
Laurent Poulain : light designer
Yohan Nicol : Metallic construction
Mael Bellec : Custom electronics
Lucas Pizzini : assistant
Pierre Fleurence : Assistant
Julie le Feunteun : Advice for the young audience
Camille Simon : Advice
Amélie Piron : Administration
Audience : Everyone from 3 months
Sound system in decaphony
Duration : 30 mn (several sessions possible in the same day)
Download the technical sheet of Tubulus
Production : Fur Ha Foll / Itinéraires Bis
Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Bretagne
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