The show Au bord d’un monde was created in spring 2021. This project is polymorphic, it is declined in show, performance, installation PhotoSonore, exhibition of photographs… I also wanted to share it through a record and the edition of photographs.  I have just finished the realization of the CD containing the music of the show. It will be available on December 10. And we are now preparing, with Noëlle Deffontaines, a boxed set containing the CD and 22 photos from the KorFolium exhibition which will be available in the spring.

Here are some extracts of the CD :

The boxed set Au bord d’un monde contains 22 photographs in 13X18 cm format as well as a CD containing the music of the show. It is published, like the CD, by Le Logelloù.


We propose a pre-purchase of the CD or the box set which you can do here and you will receive them at home as soon as they are available.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Propulsé par HelloAsso