We had left each other in November after the opening of an important topic which would consist in using the collages of Noëlle Deffontaines photographed and then projected on her dancing body.

Since then, a request has been received to exhibit some of our images as part of the Arte Botanica Exhibition that will take place in the Domaine départemental de La Roche Jagu, in Côtes-d’Armor, from 11 May to 6 October 2019. We therefore focused our research on the Noëlle’s work Anatomie Végétale and drifted towards the use of real botanical elements for our photographic productions. Below are some of these works.

We are also working, based on video projections of drawn or photographed plant materials, on a dance performance that will be presented on May 18 and 19 in the context of the same exhibition Arte Botanica. Here too, research is active and the 3 residencies that took place in January at Le Logelloù and in February in the Noëlle workshop made it possible to resolve most of the technical issues and to create some new photographs. Rendez-vous this April for the finishing work and the realization of the sound part of the installation.