My approach to Live Looping

While I am in the USA to play in 2 festivals dedicated to Live Looping : Y2K17 PVD Loopfest and Y2K17 international live looping festival Santa Cruz,  it seems interesting to make a point on my approach to the Live Looping. I notice that my approach to the loop is a bit peculiar and the device I use may be derived from this particular vision. Or, is it my device,…

Some pictures from Mohon!

On September 1 and 2, I was in Mohon, for the second edition of « Le Hangar », a party led by Jacques-Yves Lafontaine and Cécile Pelletier. In this undertaking they were supported by a band volunteers, neighbors and friends, as devoted as they were competent! I was there to take advantage of the presence of many astonishing and talented artists, long-time friends, and also to take some pictures of the festival….

Massages, words and photographs

Quand un projet d’un nouveau genre pointe le bout de son nez… Il y a quelques années déjà que Carole Kerbiriou m’a parlé la première fois de ce projet qu’elle a dans la tête de longue date. Carole est praticienne en massage, elle s’occupe de personnes, elle leur fait des soins, elle les dorlote, elle leur fait du bien. Lors des séances avec Carole Kerbiriou, une relation particulière et vivante s’installe…

La Fête des Duits – Artistic refreshments

Between 11 and 16 August 2017, in response to the invitation of Arno Methivier, I was present at the festival of the Duits, in Orléans. I played acoustic solo bandoneon, Toco la Toccata and made some improvisations with my friends. When Arno want to describe this event, he says : “La fête des duits” is a multi artistic evenement that takes place on a island of the river Loire and around,…